This is not a typical adventure map.
Much like Winter Solstice, this map does not contain any puzzles, fighting, PVP, or anything like that! It is classified as an adventure map only because that is the closest category to what it is: a story map.
It was for a school project.
This map was made for a major English assignment, the instructions for which were to create something that shows your understanding of the most recent novel we read: If On a Winter's Night a Traveler. If you have read the book, you know what you're getting into by playing this map. If you haven't? It's quite the experience.
Generic info that may be important:
The map's playtime is around 30 minutes, give or take a bit! Render distance needs to be 10 or greater! If you are recording, please link the map in the description! Make sure the resourcepack is working! Stay in adventure! Have fun!
That's all!
I hope you enjoy this new map: If On a Winter's Night a Player!
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